JSOC - Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre..

Welcome to the JSOC Web pages. The Joint Science Operations Centre is responsible for the coordination of science operations for the Cluster mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). It works closely with the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), which is responsible for day-to-day operation of the four spacecraft.

JSOC is operated by the RALSpace department of the Science and Technology Facilities Council under contract to the ESA. It is located at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, near Didcot, UK.

Please use the links shown below to obtain access to information on the various activities undertaken by JSOC. Note that access to some of this information is restricted to members of the Cluster instrument teams.

(New!) The Cluster mission has now ended and JSOC work is now in an archival phase.
JSOC continues to have a wiki site which has been used for all planning activities since 2014. Follow the above link to read the wiki. If you have any queries please email Anne Chadwick or Andrew McDermott.
The Cluster Planner Blog is where you can find the information on the Master Science Plan from 2010 to 2014.
The Cluster II Millennium Orbit software update
- Updated 02/10/2006

Support for Orbit Visualisation Tool
The Cluster Master Science Plan  
JSOC catalogues
(s/c position, events and solar cycle trends)
Planning data for special events
(eclipses, ...)
Table of Cluster Spacecraft identifiers Cluster orbit and event data

Other Cluster web pages

Other links

ESOC Covariance Matrix

Online PMRQ Checker

PI Commanding Tools


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Cluster-II Science Operations