


09 September 2003


Long eclipse season: detailed description of the eclipses sent by Juergen Volpp on 30 July 2003


04 June 2003


Constellation Manoeuvres (June-July 2003):

q      Version 2: updated and completed version

q      Version 1: manoeuvres_2003_06_v01.htm

25 April 2003 153

Attitude Manoeuvres:

Extract of Mike Hapgood's 06/03/2003 note: manoeuvres_2003_04_MAH.txt

16 February 2003


Short eclipse season:


15 January 2003 139/140

Attitude Manoeuvres:

q      Wednesday, 15.January 2003 between 10:00 (160) and 18:00 UT (177) with a back-up on Friday, 17.January 2003 between 13:00 (144) and 19:00 UT (162).

q      The subsequent orbit correction manoeuvre could be carried out on Friday, 24.January 2003 around 03:30 UT.

q      Note that the values quoted in brackets are the corresponding true anomaly angles expressed in degrees.

04 January 2003 137 Moon eclipse profiles (Juergen Volpp 19/12/2002):moon_eclipses_january_2003.txt
17/19 November 2002 131

Leonid Meteor Shower:

The predictions are for a double peaked storm on 19 November:
q      around 0400 UTC, when the Earth intercepts dust ejected from the source comet in 1767
q      around 1000 UTC, when the Earth intercepts dust ejected from the source comet in 1866

These peaks are close to the outbound magnetopause on orbit 369.

There is a third possible encounter on 17 November at 19:30, 11 hours after apogee of orbit 368. At this time the Earth will pass the dust ejected from the source comet in 1966.

07 October 2002 125/126

Attitude Manoeuvres:

q      Times: manoeuvres_2002_10.htm

q      Mike Hapgood's 14/08/2002 note:manoeuvres_2002_10_MAH.txt

02 September 2002 120 Long eclipse season:Long_eclipse_season_2002_v01.htm

16 June 2002


CLUSTER 2: 2nd Tail and 3rd Cusp crossing

Constellation change manoeuvres (June-July 2002):

q      Detailed timing of the manoeuvres on the 27 May 2002 (excluding uncertainties): manoeuvres_2002_06.htm

Uncertainties are:

  • the manoeuvre start times may be shifted by 15 min
  • duration may be extended by 5 min

q      Baseline on the 29 January 2002 and type of manoeuvres2: cma_ns2_cu3.pdf

q      Please see also  for the planning during the manoeuvres.

12 March 2002


Re-allocation of the EDI Science TM to PEACE on SC4.

q      Baseline on the 28 February 2002: The operations will start, in week 11, at 2002-03-12T06:52:12Z and last for 009:12:03.

However, this schedule assumes that the new up-linker software will work. If everything goes according to plan then the new up-linkers will be installed on all relevant computers in week 10.

17 February 2002


Short eclipse season.

q      For more information on eclipse windows see:

Short_eclipse_season_2002_v02.htm (15 Feb 2002)

Short_eclipse_season_2002_v01.htm (23 Jan 2001)

q      For WBD operations during the short eclipses see:


13 January 2002


Short eclipse on SC2 in orbit 238:

q      ECLIPSE Start time : 2002-01-13T05:50:31Z; PET event E2_238_I

q      ECLIPSE End  time : 2002-01-13T06:11:06Z; PET event E2_238_O

06 January 2002


3rd constellation manoeuvre from 6 January 2002 till 13 February 2002.

For more information on manoeuvre windows (inc. of uncertainty margins) see: manoeuvres_2002_01.htm

18 November 2001


Leonid 2001 Meteor Shower
Prediction gives a peak on Nov 18, 2001 at 18:00 UT  and a secondary peak 8 hours earlier at 10:00 UT.

26 October 2001


Possible orbit correction manoeuvres between 15:30 UT and 19:00 UT.

22 October 2001


Attitude slews to be executed for all 4 spacecraft between 15:00 UT, on the 22nd and 01:40 UT on the 23rd

05 September 2001


3rd eclipse 

q      Earliest eclipse start (s/c 3)  05/09/01 12:49:17

q      Latest eclipse exit (s/c 4)     05/09/01 15:53:59

q      See also:  Long_eclipses_seasons_2001.txt

03 September 2001


Tail crossing

03 September 2001


2nd eclipse 

q      Earliest eclipse start (s/c 3)  03/09/01 03:43:32

q      Latest eclipse exit (s/c 4)     03/09/01 07:43:42

q      See also:  Long_eclipses_seasons_2001.txt

31 August 2001


1st eclipse 

q      Earliest eclipse start (s/c 3)  31/08/01 19:29:54

q      Latest eclipse exit (s/c 2)     31/08/01 22:54:48

q      See also:  Long_eclipses_seasons_2001.txt

21 July 2001


Perigee at 04:00 UT with possible orbit correction manoeuvres

17 July 2001


Attitude slews to be executed within the Villafranca pass: 

q      AOS     2001/07/16 at 20:35 UT  (elev. 10 deg.,true anom. 140 deg.)

q      LOS      2001/07/17 at 08:35 UT (elev. 10 deg.true anom. 170 deg.)

q      Apogee on 2001/07/17 at 14:20 UT.

14 February 2001


Short eclipse season:


Last updated by Patrick Chaizy (,